Over the past three years, I've led product design efforts for a SaaS platform and design system, focusing on enterprise software within the PubSub+ Platform. Empowering users to build connected apps across various industries, I've overseen projects in areas such as SaaS essentials, Mission Control visualization, and DesignOps strategy.

Notable achievements include increasing the scope of our design system by 400%, accelerating UX productivity by 300%, and elevating WCAG compliance to AA standards.

Looking ahead, our UX team is focused on refining our design system further, promoting UX heuristics, improving test plans, and implementing new project prioritization processes to align with business growth objectives.



I’ve been creating enterprise software for our PubSub+ Platform, which enables businesses to design and control their real-time data movement.

Our web application empowers users to build connected apps, allowing information to flow across devices in industries such as banking, retail, gaming, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare.

I’m the UX domain expert for our SaaS Platform, I’m the PO for our Design System, and I occasionally cover Missional Control as needed.



Providing essentials for enterprise software in our customer-facing console and internal operations system.

  • Authentication features (SSO, IdP groups)

  • Environments

  • Account creation & management

  • Billing features

  • Product-led growth features


Design System

Enhancing workflow efficiency and team scalability through DesignOps.

  • Retros, roadmaps, resource allocation, and metrics

  • Product principles, processes, patterns, symbols, UI library, UX writing guides, and animation


Mission Control

Helping businesses visualize and manage their messaging services.

  • Authorization management (RBAC)

  • Broker service creation & management



  • Helped to develop 8 user personas for our console to guide teams through complex user actions

  • Increased the scope of our design system by 400% by expanding our process guides, patterns, and common components

  • Cut down UX lead-time by 300% by streamlining our epic and design processes

  • Elevating our WCAG compliance level to AA by holding workshops for colour, keyboard navigation, and other inclusive standards



Note: Because my work is mainly confidential, internal or unreleased, only public work can be disclosed.

Before: Limited functionalities (source)

After: Added drag and drop, search, onboarding tips, toggle views (source)

Before: Confusing information hierarchy, out-of-date visuals (source)

After: Clean data tables and updated icon graphics (source)



We have 2 main processes for features and the design system. Our team continually implements, uses, and iterates on processes to successfully scale as a team. Standardizing these behaviours improved cross-team collaboration, helped us shift left in the Software Development Life Cycle, and ensured our team delivered consistent, high quality work.


A regular quarterly contribution model for design system tasks.



Our UX team is seeing the early benefits of a scalable design system. Over the past year, we transitioned from Emergent to Structured.

Our next milestone is an Integrated design system, achieved by completing our foundational patterns, promoting UX heuristics through lightning talks and offline campaigns, and sharing the system across business domains. We’ll improve test plans to better measure user behaviour, and enhance customer experiences.

Our new project prioritization and resource allocation processes will ensure alignment with our business growth objectives for the upcoming fiscal year.